Elder Keller & Elder Phillips in Sao Paulo

Elder Keller & Elder Phillips in Sao Paulo

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Week #9 October 20, 2014

 FINALLY got some pictures...

Apartment in Pato Branco, Parana

(Rt to Lft: Ian, his comp Elder Hess, the DL, the AP's)

Elders Keller & Hess then the DL Elder William & Mancel
At the CTM

At the CTM

Well things are picking up. We have this one family who is totally awesome! we were walking home one night and found them playing soccer in the street and set up a time to come back and teach them. theyre awesome! there is danielson and catia who are married and then danielsons mom and dad mario and terezinha and then the sister diana. danielson also has a two year old kid named filipe. but anyways we taught them the restoration and danielson was totally into it! he was asking us how he can get the priesthood and all these other questions which was awesome! So then for the second lesson we taught them at the church and we taught the plan of salvation and the spirit was super strong! terezinha was crying and after the lesson said "i found my salvation" which was super cool. the only thing is that the parents switch off working every other sunday which were gonna have to fix but they switch off coming to church which is good! we still have a lot to teach them but they are golden and totally ready for the gospel. Danielson at church was totally commenting the whole time and asking questions and it was great. It really shows how the only thing that can get through to someone is the spirt.

But anyways we have built up our pool of investigators to about 16 to 18 now but only a few are really progressing. The ward here is totally awesome and willing to help. 

But a few funny stories about how different things are here in Brazil... First one is there was a farewell party here for a missionary and he was dating like a 26 year old in the ward and we went because there were a ton of non members he said he was going to invite so we went to get a bunch of referrals but anyways in the middle of the party he proposes to his gf! haha i guess thats how they do it here cuz all the brazilians have rings and fiances waiting back home haha. 

Other funny story... were teaching a lesson the other night and in brazil women dont really care where they nurse their baby or what anyone else sees so things can get pretty awkward. were teaching the first lesson and you can only guess what happened.. She just starts nursing her baby without a blanket or anything during the lesson haha! elder hess and i just kinf of looked at each other and didnt know what to do... haha so awkward! but the life of a missionary really just is awkward i am realizing. But im never gonna see these people again so it doesnt matter! 

Last one is that we were totally an hour late to church this week haha. We didnt know they do their daylight savings now so we thought we were on time but we got there and everyone was asking were we had bad and our investigators didnt know where we were and it was a mess haha! but it all ended up working out okay and now we know the third sunday of october the time goes ahead one hour haha. 

But anyways everything is going good and we're staying alive! But the gospel of Jesus Christ is so true and can bless and change lives and im glad i get to see it out here! miss you all! 

Elder Keller

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