We also got a reference this week (miracle!) from the church site from a guy asking for a book of mormon. So we called him up and found out he lives right next to us! Then we went over there and met him. His name is Vinicius, he is 27, lives with his mom, has no job, and isnt going to school. His mom told us he doesnt really like talking to people and is really closed off. So we taught him the restoration, taught him about the power of the book of mormon, he started reading it we went back and he is totally awesome! President Silva is telling us we need to invite someone to read the book of mormon and then go back the next day to see what their answer was because he said this is a one day answer mission! if the investigator follows moroni 10 4 then he or she is gonna get their answer that night when they pray! he said he truly one hundred percent believes that so we cant be wasting our time with people who dont want to ask! So of course I had very little faith in this but we did it and went back the next day to Vinicius. And we asked him and he and his mom said after he read he already seemed to be a different person! They noticed and he felt that he was changing and it was so cool to see the power the book of mormon has in peoples lives. Then he came to church on sunday as well so things are going pretty great here! (:
To be honest it is kind of frustrating because we have been trying to get back to Ana Lucia and Luciano to see how they are doing but we havent been able to mark anything... They are out of the radius so we were gonna go over there after a lunch that would be in their neighborhood but then the lunch fell through the day before... But it was remarked for this Wednesday so we are going to try to pass by there then.
We found another couple really cool families because that is something we have been trying to focus on and we are hoping everything goes well with them but I guess we will see!
But being on the mission makes me so grateful for the family that I have and for all the people in my life that have sacrificed something to try to help me out or teach me something to help me get to my mission! I mean we are always with talking with people whos lives are just falling apart and is shows how easy it is to give into Satan's temptations. It is hard to follow the gospel and very few people really do it! We found two less active twin girls a few weeks back. They were baptized when they were 12, have no family in the church and really didn't understand anything about the baptism or what they were doing... Now they are fifteen and each one already has a kid. and both the kids are one! Like how crazy is that??? And it is like totally normal here. It is so sad though because their lives are a total mess and those kids are probably never going to have a solid example to follow in their lives. I think about the most amazing parents that I was given and sometimes wonder how the heck did I get so lucky? You even talk to the other missionaries out here and their own parent have problems with scripture study and there are big consequences for that! Parents have to study their scriptures, and not just as a family but personally study their scriptures every single day or else it leaves room for Satan to enter in and destroy the family. I have seen in time and time again out here working with less actives and I am SO thankful for the two amazing parents who have always been such an amazing example of that! I always saw my parents studying their scrips! And it makes our family happier.
Point is personal study of the scriptures and principally the book of mormon is the key if we want exaltation. So we gotta study!
But anyways I love and miss you all! Time is flying out here and it is weird to think about! But hope you all have an awesome week!
Elder Keller
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