Alright well this week was great! Elder Moore is awesome! He is from Surprise Arizona and mom and dad you already have pics of him because he is from my group and I was in the MTC with him.
I am super happy cuz Moore loves football! Just in time right? Only problem is he roots for the devil... (ASU) But he is gonna be an awesome comp! I am super excited. He played football and basketball in high school and grew up on the west side. Mom and Dad you guys should try to find his parents! Chad and Mari Mar are their names. His mom is from Spain!
But the beginning of this week was a little crazy... We have 6 elders in the apt and our ward had four. But the other companionship had one elder that was kind of problematic and doesnt like obeying and we came home one night to him provoking the other Elder and then one hit the other, President was called, they got emergency transfered, and now we have a huge area and a ton of people to cover alone! Kind of a bitter sweet blessing! It all happened super fast so they had a couple hours to tell us about their investigators, show us where they live and then they were out. So Moore and I have been running around like chickens with our heads cut off this week. But at least were busy!
The other Elders had been at a lunch with members who had invited their non member sister over to hear a lesson and the family loved the idea of the church and have been coming for three weeks now and totally solid! So now we get to teach them and they are awesome! The parents are Lucas and Eli and their kids are Barbara 15 Bianca 12 Gabriel 11 Brian 6 Lana 2. Lucas was in a motorcycle accident about 6 months ago and has been a wheel chair since then and is having to learn how to walk all over again. It is going to be really cool because he talks about that as his humbling experience given to him by God to make his focus more on his family and come back to church. They are amazing and love everything about the gospel and the Book of Mormon. We had a really cool lesson about revelation this week and Lucas asked how the leaders in the church were called and we explained about revelation. The spirit totally touched his heart and taught him the rest and he told us about awesome answers he has received in his life from God.
But really the family is amazing. We could give them Preach My Gospel and The Book Of Mormon and they would go convert themselves. We wouldnt have to do anything! The plan is for the whole family to get baptized in november because they have to get married first and he wants to be walking first for the wedding. So please pray for Lucas so that he can recover on time!
Sonia is awesome! She has a date marked for September 26th and is coming to church every week and the members love her (:
The stake here is really awesome! President shared the talk "The power of the word" by president benson with us. Then the missionaries here started sharing it with the leaders and now the stake is going back to the basics and trying to get all the members reading their scriptures. It is the simple key to everything and I know I talk about it in every email but it is because no one here does it except for investigators! haha But it is the truth, and it is what my parents have always taught me--if we do the simple things like prayer, scripture reading EVERY DAY like Elder Pearson taught us in last conference, temple once a week for those close to one and go to church we will prosper in the land both spiritually and temporally! We wont have to worry becase Heavenly Father will literally put us on his path and will help us Prosper! And it is as simple as that. It is like two plus two equals four! It is the equation to success as a member of the church and a person in this world!
But anyway I am out of time! I love you all! Take advantage of football season! Haha jk but have a great week!
Love, Elder Keller